Join Us
Our committees were formed to implement strategies that will help us work together to stabilize children and youth with their caregivers. Our committees include and faith leaders, community-based agencies, government agencies and other partners. Our committees meet monthly virtually and in person when we have our gatherings.
Committee Descriptions
Outreach and Communication- Database of resource partners and organizations
- Create an online resource guide
- Website
- Social Media
- Calendar of Events
- Attend partner church events
- Education and awareness about foster care needs
- Involve and recruit churches and other faith leaders in the Collaborative
- Establish sub- regional groups to engage churches
- Collaborate with churches to host resource parent/caregiver recruitment events
- Partner with DCFS to “Adopt A Unit” Host parent and caregiver appreciation events
- Support appreciation events for DCFS Social Workers
- Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)
- Making Sense of Your Worth (MSOYW)
- Trauma Training and Resources
- Training Church Leaders and Volunteers